Exercise Physiologist

Exercise Physiology.
What is an Exercise Physiologist?
Accredited Exercise Physiologists are university-qualified Allied Health Professionals who are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and competencies to design, deliver and evaluate safe and effective exercise interventions for individuals with acute, sub-acute, or chronic medical conditions, disabilities, or injuries. The pathology domains covered by the services of an AEP include metabolic, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, neurological, respiratory/pulmonary, cancer, kidney, and mental health, as well as other conditions for which there is evidence that exercise can improve an individual’s clinical status and quality of life (Exercise and Sports Science Australia).
Benefits of seeing an AEP
Prevention and/or management of complex chronic conditions – preventing or managing complex or chronic conditions.
Improve your health and function effectively – including weight loss, strength, balance, coordination, and endurance.
Help recovery from an injury or surgery – help return to work or activities of daily living which are important to you, so you live a better life.
Specialised programs to suit and achieve your desired goals – personalised exercise programs and delivery of ongoing training in our private gyms.
Chronic disease management care plan
Individuals with a defined chronic medical condition are eligible for GP services on the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS). The chronic disease management program is designed to provide specialised individual treatment services to individuals who have chronic medical conditions and complex care needs. For eligibility to receive the rebate through Medicare, you will need a GP Management Plan (item number: 721) and a referral to an Exercise Physiologist from your GP (item number: 10953).
Services offered (depending on your care plan recommendations)
Initial assessment – completed 1:1 to assist in educating you about your chronic medical condition/s and potential management strategies. Will also work with you to develop an appropriate and safe exercise program.
Additional sessions could be a review appointment or supervised exercise sessions.
Sessions outside Management plan may be covered by your Private Health insurance.
Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA)
Exercise physiologists are qualified to provide clinical treatment via evidence-based exercise programs to gold or white card holders. For Gold card holders the DVA will cover services to meet your clinical needs, those holding white care will cover services required because of an accepted war or service caused injury or disease. NO CHARGE for this service, we will bill DVA directly for the services under DVA arrangements.
If you are referred for clinically necessary Exercise Physiology treatment by your medical practitioner, the DVA will pay for the clinically necessary treatment, upon diagnosis and referral.
To access the services, we will require a signed D904 form or referral from GP with the below information included:
Name and DVA file number of the entitled person
Description of the requested treatment service (Exercise physiology)
Treatment entitlement of the person (i.e., Gold card or White card)
Provider number of the referring health care provider (GP provider number)
Date of referral
Condition to be treated (e.g., management of PTSD, back pain, depression)
If the entitled person is a resident in a residential aged care facility, the level of care that they are funded to receive and the date that the funding began.
What can you expect from your appointments:
Conduct appropriate assessments, and goal setting in conjunction with your injuries and provide the best treatment to help you achieve your goals -
Empower you to manage your injury and recovery -
Monitor progress towards your goals (for improved function/capacity) and adjust the treatment plan as required -
Communicating and collaborating with key parties to achieve common goals
Services offered:
Initial assessment – completed 1:1 to assess needs and health issues, whilst also developing an appropriate and safe exercise program -
Individual or group exercise sessions – supporting and improving your health, injury, or disability. -
Private Health Insurance
Individuals who have private health insurance may be able to claim a rebate percentage or the full fee of an exercise physiology session depending on their insurance fund entitlements.
Services offered:
Initial assessment – completed 1:1 with an Exercise Physiologist to provide education regarding your health and fitness goals, develop and manage strategies, and establish a tailored plan that is right for you.
Diabetes Group Exercise Program – COMING SOON
Group classes
Help your employees stay physically and mentally active with group classes. Individuals or teams will be engaged and motivated through participation in group classes. Easy or challenging, every fitness level will enjoy short- and long-term social and health benefits of exercise.
Assisting employees in maintaining an active lifestyle outside of work by minimising age-related musculoskeletal degeneration. You can expect one-on-one consultations, manage current injuries, or reduce the risk of potential injuries through preventative exercise programs, and education.
WorkCover WA
A common goal of ensuring that an injured worker can return to, or remain at, work following an injury utilising the five principles of the Clinical Framework shown to deliver optimal recovery and return to work outcomes for injured workers.
1. Measure and demonstrate the effectiveness of treatment
2. Adopt a biopsychosocial approach
3. Empower the injured person to manage their injury
4. Implement goals focused on optimising function, participation, and return to work.
5. Base treatment on the best available research evidence
What Services We Can Provide
Provide EP (clinical) treatment services to assist an injured worker to recover following workplace injury.
Referrals should be supported by the GP or specialist, often on a referral form or on a progress medical certificate.
Injured workers must have an accepted claim and approval is required from the insurer prior to an initial assessment being performed
Approved workplace rehabilitation providers can assist employers and the injured worker
To be eligible, need to have:
A current and ongoing Return to Work plan and case manager. Services received will depend on your injury, plan requirements, and clinical recommendations.
Services offered:
Initial assessment – complete 1:1 to help establish your injury presentation, develop a plan, and provide education regarding your health and SMART goals and potential management strategies – will initially work with you to develop an appropriate and safe exercise program
Additional individual sessions will continue, as per agreed-upon plan – this can include supervised or self-managed exercise sessions
Regular reviews of your outcome measures/assessments to ensure you are improving and tracking toward achieving your goals
Standard office ergonomic assessment or re-assessment (approx. 20-30 minutes per person)
A review of an employee's work environment to ensure correct set-up and maximal comfort. This assessment would be recommended primarily for preventative purposes (i.e., for employees who are not experiencing symptoms).
Review and adjustments of workstation set-up
Review and adjustments of seating
Recommendations for movement and self-management strategies
Prescription of stretches/exercises
Re-adjustment of equipment once it has been supplied.Includes:
Comprehensive office ergonomic assessment (60 minutes)
A comprehensive ergonomic assessment, to assess an injured worker’s environment to ensure correct setup. Assessment will assist in minimising aggravation of any current injuries, aches, or pains while providing education on symptom management.
Comprehensive symptom and treatment history discussion
Review and adjustment of workstation set-up
Review and adjustment of seating
Complaint-specific stretches/exercises
Education on symptom management and self-management techniques